Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deaf Ears

Sigh. So glad that my goal for myself and for my kids is not "never make a mistake" but "learn to make good decisions.". Otherwise we'd be failing miserably. Queen Bee has made certainly made some huge mistakes in judgment here lately with regards to an older guy. How many times have we discussed the pitfalls of digital media? Phineas and Ferb have it right - Fame is fleeting but the Internet is forever. Why is it that some girls will so quickly believe any lie that comes out of a handsome mouth no matter how illogical it is. And so trust is destroyed and we set about the process of rebuilding. Ultimately, the consequences are hers to deal with. So she'll mope her way through a period of technology silence and the feat of possible abject public humiliation. Hopefully, she will learn something.

On a positive note, the start of Mini-Me's soccer practice was fantastic! Thirteen girls showed up and had a great time! Coach was beaming. Good day.