Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm being followed

I'm beside myself. I have a blog follower, and it's the Secret Pepper Society. I better come up with something good to say.

Here's a thought. I'm so proud of my two youngest foster (future adopted) sons. All
I hear from their teachers at school is how well they are doing in school and what a positive change they are seeing in their attitudes and behavior since last year. Makes a foster/adoptive parent want to puff up with pride at what a fabulous mommy job I must be doing. Foster parents hear it all the time, "It takes a really special person to do what you do."

Here's my dirty little secret - I'm not a special person. I'm just a regular mama. I climb on the short bus in my pjs every morning to buckle my kid in. I've been known to yell at my kids. Sometimes I go to church just for the free child care. I am typing this as I sit in the van waiting to pick up my kid after NOT going to her semi-final basketball game in the next county over. One of my lowest moments - stuffing half of a last cinnamon roll in my mouth after getting tired of hearing one kid complain that his half was smaller than his sister's. This same child also went to school today with pants ripped at the knee because they were his last clean pair.

I'll get to the point. Your kids don't need you to be perfect. They just need you. To love them and feed them and make them do their homework and fuss at them when their room is dirty and pretend to listen to them when they are telling you about some video game you care nothing about and hug them and tease them and embarrass them in front of their friends and stand up for them and say, "This is my child and I am his mama."

1 comment:

  1. Yes...I am lurking but know this.....the pj's on the bus....I throw a jacket over them which fools no one in Florida in August..The pants ripped at the knee....been there...the cinnamon roll...been there. I am lurking because i firmly believe we were twins separated at birth. I am so relieved to have found you sistah!
